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    Accommodation near Palestine

    We currently don't have any accommodation in the local area tagged by our community. Please see the list of hotels below, or if you want to help out and earn Reputation Score then search for your favourite places to stay with the 'destinations' search on the top of every page, and then contribute details about that place e.g. room details, location facilities, and why you like it.

    Hotels near Palestine

    Selection of near Palestine

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      Landmarks near Palestine

      Looking for something to do or a place to go see near Palestine? Here is our list of options.

      • American Colony Hotel
        18.07 Km from Palestine
        The American Colony Hotel is a luxury hotel located in a historic building in Jerusalem which previously housed the utopian American-Swedish community known as the American Colony.
      • Beit Orot
        18.57 Km from Palestine
        Beit Orot (Hebrew: בית אורות‎) (lit. The House of Lights), is a new Jewish settlement and neighborhood on the northern ridge on the Mount of Olives in East Jerusalem, near the Augusta Victoria Hospital. The Irving Moskowitz Yeshiva & Campus, a Religious Zionist yeshiva, is the nucleus of the neighborhood.
      • President of Israel
        20.37 Km from Palestine
        The President of the State of Israel (Hebrew: נְשִׂיא הַמְּדִינָה, Nesi HaMedina, lit. President of the State) is the head of state of Israel. The position is largely a ceremonial figurehead role, with executive power effectively being exercised by the prime minister. The current president is Reuven Rivlin, who took office on 24 July 2014. Presidents are elected by the Knesset for a seven-year term and are limited to a single term.
      • Hansen House (Jerusalem)
        20.57 Km from Palestine
        Hanson House is a historic building in Jerusalem, Israel. It is located in the city's affluent Talbiya neighborhood. In the late 19th century it was a hospital for Hansen's disease (leprosy). Later, it served as an outpatient clinic and housed the National Center for Hansen's Disease. The hospital building and 40 acre lot were declared an Israel heritage site.
      • Israel Tennis Centers
        42.12 Km from Palestine
      • Arsuf
        48.42 Km from Palestine

      Points of Interest near Palestine

      Looking for important things or something to do or a place to go see near Palestine? Here is our list of options.

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      • Tel Aviv District
        The second largest city in Israel, second only to Jerusalem, Tel Aviv is a bustling metropolis that has given rise to a new way of life for many Israelites, a modern city in a land where the history stretches back to the dawn of civilization. While Jerusalem might be only a short distance down the road, filled to the brim with holy sites and religious wonders, and the surrounding countryside might be packed with thousands of years of history, Tel Aviv is anything but reserved and historical. This is the throbbing heart of modern Israel, a city that the citizens have termed their own version of New York. If partying on the coast of the Mediterranean with some of the hottest people in the country is more to your liking, then Tel Aviv is absolutely the place you want to be.

        Technically, Tel Aviv is still relatively small when compared to some of the world’s largest cities, but that doesn’t stop her from pulling out all the stops for residents and visitors. This is a place where the modern vibe is strongest, giving rise to what is now considered the Middle East’s second largest city economy. It has transformed in the past decade into a haven for international travelers who are keen on enjoying a party atmosphere while taking in the Mediterranean, far removed from the more intimate havens that exist along the coast in other countries such as Spain or Italy.

        Tel Aviv is a beach destination, of that there is no doubt, but the city is also a major cultural center for Israel, with some of the best performing arts venues in the country. Beyond the clubs, the shows, the beaches and the resorts are the markets, giving visitors an excellent opportunity for taking in some true Middle Eastern sounds and tastes. All in all, Tel Aviv is one of the brightest spots in the Middle East right now, and is accessible to all levels of travelers.
        Tel Aviv District, Israel
      • HaYarkon St 144
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        HaYarkon St 144, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
      • Qasr Al-Abed


        Qasr Al Abad is a must visit tourist attraction site in Amman . The building located in the Western side of Amman is popular and among the few Pre-Roman structures that still exist in Jordan. It is attractive and small sized. Little information is available regarding when the structure was constructed, it is believed to have been built by Hyrcanus, a member of a famous and powerful Jewish Tobiad family to serve as a palace. It is speculated to have been built between 187 and 175 BC. The structure has undergone renovations and modifications even though it is not complete. The site that was built using large blocks, is spectacular and attracts visitors from all over the globe. Its notable features are beautifully carvings of animals on the outer walls, a panther fountain on the ground floor, a lioness together with cubs on the upper floor and eagles that have been eroded on the corners of the building. At the entrance, you find a gatekeeper who opens the gate leading to a small museum within the structure and the entrance leading to the main museum. You can also ask for a key for the gates at a shop located in close proximity to the gate.

        Qasr Al-Abed Wadi As-Seir, Amman, Jordan
      • Dead Sea
        "Dead Sea is as old as the Jordan rift vally, part of the well known Syrian – African rift. Some say it is 60000 years old, some say less some say more, but this doesn't affect the uniqueness of the location and environment. It is a closed lake, was fed through centuries by the Jordan River and minor streams and springs from the eastern and western side, until 1964, when the Jordan River was diverted to lake tiberias by Israel to supply the Israeli population with fresh water. Hence over 700 million cubic meters of water annually stopped nourishing this eternal lake. Due to that reason and other minor reasons, level of the

        Dead Sea started receding in an annual rate that exceeds 80cm. This represents a serious ecological threat to the lake and the surroundings. The government of Jordan is working hard on realizing a project, with international help, to provide the Dead Sea with controlled volumes of water from the Red Sea through an artificial canal. This ambitious project could help tangibly in saving the Dead Sea environment.

        The Dead Sea lies 413 meters below sea level (2002), (396 meters 1980) considered the lowest point on earth. In an arid environment, less than 70ml of annual rain, 330 sunny days a year, with low humidity that never exceeds 60% evaporation is so high all over the year that caused the Dead Sea water to become the saltiest in the world" Experience the feeling of floating on water for yourself in this truly unique place.
        Dead Sea

      Climate near Palestine

      When is the best time of year to go to Palestine ? Check our average weather graph and table. If know about Palestine then why not join our community and tell us about the climate, or use the drop box at the bottom of the page to tell us about it?

      Graphic showing average weather in Palestine in Celcius and Centimeters (Change to Farenheit and Inches)

      Month Temp °C Rainfall Cm Temp °F Rainfall Inches
      Jan 9.4 113 48.9 44.5
      Feb 10.4 106 50.7 41.7
      Mar 13.2 73.5 55.8 28.9
      Apr 17 24.5 62.6 9.6
      May 21.4 3.5 70.5 1.4
      Jun 23.7 0 74.7 0
      Jul 24.9 0 76.8 0
      Aug 25.3 0 77.5 0
      Sep 23.8 0.5 74.8 0.2
      Oct 21.8 8.5 71.2 3.3
      Nov 16.6 47.5 61.9 18.7
      Dec 11.8 97.5 53.2 38.4

      Travel Info

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